Enhancing Operational Efficiency and Cutting Operational Expenses by Implementing Effective Strategic Maintenance

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Dandy Alfian Sabila


As a peaking power plant, Semarang PGU runs a 1.4 GW combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT). Our power plants must start and stop on a regular basis, as well as respond to sudden spikes and drops in load caused by the peaking function. Operating this 30-year-old power plant is likewise getting tougher; the chief factors are component obsolescence and asset age. Tambak Lorok CCGT, on the other hand, was able to achieve less than 0.51% EFOR (Equivalent Forced Outage Rates) in 2022, which was a notable success given the power plant's age in terms of its ability to sustain dependability. Our company created a "end-to-end asset healthiness monitoring dashboard" that reduced the WMATL WO backlog by 14.65%. Semarang PGU completed maintenance efficiently in order to sustain the firm by increasing efficiency and minimizing OPEX. Our principal means of attaining this goal are to improve reliability management, develop a quality-based maintenance approach, and ensure shorter and safer outages. This strategy resulted in an Inventory Turn Over of 6.36 and a profit of IDR 722,695,530,067 for the firm. Our company also combines risk management into outage operations and innovates in asset management pillars integration, which uses real-time monitoring for an asset's life cycle.


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How to Cite
B. ARIANTO, D. A. Sabila, and I. A. AYUNINGTYAS, “Enhancing Operational Efficiency and Cutting Operational Expenses by Implementing Effective Strategic Maintenance”, JUKE, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 64–74, Dec. 2023.